This post is going to be short because too many words, or even too many thoughts, will get in the way of accomplishing this one, so read closely and then please, please, please ACT on it! Here it is:
We're lucky to be alive today, regardless of our present health. We're lucky to have our children with us, regardless of their abilities or "levels" of development. Enjoy EVERY minute, frustrating or not, with your children because it will, one day, be stripped from you. If not by the worst possible scenarios than by the natural process of aging, growing, and moving on. Love them now. Get down on the floor and play. Build a fort. Make some mudpies, no matter how tired you are, because we only have so many minutes to make mudpies! Then, enjoy cleaning it up because you're cleaning with someone whom you love in a way that only a parent can understand. Enjoy EVERY minute with your kids as if it was the last, even if it's not, because at the very least it'll create wonderful memories to look back on when they grow up and move on and you're in a rocking chair with gray hair. NOW IS THE ONLY TIME THAT WE HAVE TO ENJOY OUR CHILDREN AS CHILDREN! They will, hopefully, become adults and we'll all grow old and miss their mischief, so include yourself in it! That's it. HAVE FUN!!!!!
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