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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Circles and Spirals

Okay, so as Dr. Taylor's left hemisphere slowly returned to fully functional, she told herself that she would only allow her left hemisphere to heal so far as it didn't get in the way of her right hemisphere. She'd realized that the right hemisphere provides the sense of “euphoria” that makes people happy, content, excited about life and notice the lovely things. She didn't want to return to the analytical, cold, calculating person whom she'd been before. In the same vein, Rosy had, suddenly, become very patient, kind, and wonderful to visit with. The right hemisphere of the brain employs empathy, is creative, and sees more than just the "little things" that may annoy the left hemisphere because the "little things" don't follow patterns, or aren't "linear" in nature, or don't seem to have "structure" to them. The left hemisphere wants everything predictable, controlled, and categorized. The right finds beauty in chaos and form. The left sees history as a circle, the right as an uncontrollable, imperfectly formed spiral. The lesson here is that balancing the two hemispheres leads to contentedness, a happy, productive life and a well rounded individual. Creative play, for young and old children alike, not only promotes the growth of the brain's right hemisphere, but also uses the left to communicate with dolls, friends, toys, etc. and to categorize the toys that she's playing with. I'll tell you more tomorrow about why this is important and mention some activities that help stimulate a balanced mind through creative play.

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